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Book Author(s): Lev Grossman

The Magicians (The Magicians, book 1)

The Magicians book cover review

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Poor Quentin. It’s lonely to grow up a complete and utter genius. Finding things to do that are satisfying isn’t easy when nothing costs the least amount of effort. His happy place? The pages of a series of books about a fantasy land called Fillory. Talking animals, noble quests, magic and children as heroes — it has been a safe space where he could imagine a world where he could truly belong.

And then, the unthinkable happens. He’s invited to go to a magical college. Yes. MAGICAL college. Where you learn to do real magic. Suddenly the world has shifted, and what seemed like an impossibility, a daydream, has become a reality, and Quentin finds that he excels at magic just like he does at everything else.

Things get dicey, though. Just because he learns how to do “good” magic doesn’t mean that there aren’t people out there who do the other kind. And learning how to be an adult with a bunch of magicians isn’t all that uncomplicated either. Relationships and decisions are as tricky as — or trickier than — in our “real” world. And soon, even Quentin’s wildest dreams will take him on a journey he wouldn’t have dared imagine.

As a unashamed Potter-head, I liked this book from the start because there is a lot of that same initial plot line of normal-boy-finds-out-his-greatness. And the magic school, of course. But this book is much darker. Darker in that Quentin starts out older and makes darker and more questionable decisions and lives among a far more…shall we say…promiscuous set of people. I ended up really liking the plot arc (for a while there I wasn’t sure if I would), and the climax was pretty amazing and unexpected. If you already love Narnia and Hogwarts and Middle Earth, you will see so much of the spirit of those novels within The Magicians that you’ll either love it or you’ll feel like it’s TOO much (I wavered between those two poles most of the time).

In the end, I was satisfied. Do I wish it wasn’t quite so graphic in some parts? Yes. Do I wish that Quentin’s language wasn’t so foul? Yes. Did I need to skip through some scenes? Yes. But my brother warned me when he recommended it to me that it was a little “rough.” He was right. It’s rough. And let me say again — it’s dark. Quentin isn’t one for chipper-ness or looking on the bright side. He doesn’t really know how to be a great friend, and sometimes I wanted to clock him. The book features great plot and writing style, but it has some pretty rough content. Was it perfect? No. An intriguing read? I thought so.

Rated: High for language. And more language. The strong kind. Graphic sexual scenes. Profane conversations.

Click here to purchase your copy of The Magicians on Amazon. 

1 thought on “The Magicians (The Magicians, book 1)”

  1. What do you mean by graphic exactly?? I bought it for my son, any examples you could warn me on? Or tell me what page to find it on?

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