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Book Author(s): Kate Constable

The Waterless Sea (The Chanters of Tremaris, book 2)

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When Calwyn and her friends hear of a group of kidnapped children that are being used for thier gift of chantment, they don’t hesitate to travel to the desolate Merithuran Empire in an attempt to find and save them. But navigating the unforgiving desert isn’t the only danger. As they face the treacherous Palace of Cobwebs, they uncover a dreadful secret, one that is both holding together and destroying the Merithuran Empire. Caught in the thick of danger, Calwyn must decide how much she is willing to sacrifice in her ultimate quest for the peace and justice of Tremaris.

The Waterless Sea picks up months after the ending of The Singer of All Songs, adding drama and mystery between characters we thought we knew while also layering in more high stakes and darker themes. While this book does feature child abuse, enslavement and death, it still has the addictive, easy-to-read quality of a light adventure.

Rated: Mild, for general peril. Violence includes enslavement, child abuse, injury, and some death.

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