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Book Author(s): Jeff Lemire

The Nobody

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A small town in the backcountry of America is the destination of John Griffen, who is searching for a quiet place to work. He is a chemist, bandaged from head to toe from a laboratory accident. A teenage girl befriends him, and the story of his arrival and impact on the people of Large Mouth is told from her point of view.

The artwork is very well done, and the lettering is clear and easy to read. The book is slightly oversized, making the panels very comfortable.  Graphically, this is a very well done piece of work; the author tells a lot of the story with absolutely no dialogue.

And yet, there really is nothing new here. It is a story that has been told hundreds of times in hundreds of ways, across a variety of mediums. It is more a piece of social fiction than anything else, with a lot fewer interesting characters, and no surprises at all.

Rated: High. Just over a half-dozen uses of strong language, and another 40-odd instances of nearly every other form of English profanity. The graphic depiction of teenage smoking is also a factor.

Click here to purchase your copy of The Nobody on Amazon. 

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