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Book Author(s): Claudia Lux

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From Goodreads:

Peyote Trip has a pretty good gig in the deals department on the fifth floor of Hell. Sure, none of the pens work, the coffee machine has been out of order for a century, and the only drink on offer is Jägermeister, but Pey has a plan—and all he needs is one last member of the Harrison family to sell their soul.

When the Harrisons retreat to the family lake house for the summer, with their daughter Mickey’s precocious new friend, Ruth, in tow, the opportunity Pey has waited a millennium for might finally be in his grasp. And with the help of his charismatic coworker Calamity, he sets a plan in motion.

But things aren’t always as they seem, on Earth or in Hell. And as old secrets and new dangers scrape away at the Harrisons’ shiny surface, revealing the darkness beneath, everyone must face the consequences of their choices.

Rapid Rating: High.

Profanity includes 100 uses of strong language, around 45 instances of moderate profanity, about 20 uses of mild language, and 20 instances of the name of Deity in vain. Vulgarities, references to sex, doesn’t seem to be scenes. Violence includes injuries and deaths.

About Rapid Ratings

The Rapid Rating option allows Rated Reads to rate more books for content. A quick search of an e-book can show all instances of profanity and at least some of any sexual content or violence. Likely, most Rapid Ratings will be of books rated High.

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