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New Post Type: Author Contributions

A couple of days ago on my first blog post, I mentioned I was adding three new types of posts to Rated Reads. I’ve written about the first two: First, the blog. Second, Rapid Ratings.

Third and last: “Author Contributions,” sponsored (paid) posts by authors. I regularly get emails from writers asking if I can review their book (most of them are contacting me because they have written a good clean book and they’d like to share that information with like-minded readers here at Rated Reads). With only one or two exceptions, I have had to turn them down (sadly).

As I mentioned in my post about Rapid Ratings, I just don’t have many reviewers at any given time, and my own personal reading time is limited, so I’ve focused on rating and reviewing books that are getting a lot of attention or that I think I would personally really love (usually both). I figure my best bet has been providing ratings for the books the highest proportion of visitors would be wondering about so I can address the most questions (about content) as possible.

Again, my goal is to really increase the information about books and content on the site. I want to rate more books that have gotten a lot of buzz, PLUS I’d like to feature a lot more clean books. Author contribution posts are a nice piece of the puzzle. (Plus, really, let me be quite honest on the subject of costs: I’ve run this site for 15 years and have spent thousands of dollars on it and haven’t made a penny. I hope now to offset my expenses from here on out.)

Authors of clean books (at least moderate or milder rated): Please fill out the Contact form and let me know you’d like to send in an Author Contribution. I will work with you from there and it will be a quick and easy process. The cost (for at least the near future) will be $100 for one book contribution.

How to tell the difference between a regular review and an Author Contribution

Just as with the new Rapid Ratings category, you can identify books contributed by authors by the badge on the cover, as well as the tags underneath the covers in search results and places like “Latest Book Reviews” on the home page. They show up in searches on the site just as any other book that has a full review. Here’s a link to an example.

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