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Book Author(s): Philip Ellis

Love and Other Scams

Love and Other Scams romance heist book cover

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Cat is almost 30 and in the season of life where she has attended many weddings, bridal showers, “hen weekends,” and so on. And shelled out plenty of money for those events and for gifts. She has yet to have a meaningful relationship that would lead to an altar. And while some of her friends are very wealthy, she most definitely is not. She’s not even scraping by; in fact, when her work as a freelance graphic designer doesn’t cut it, she steals to make ends meet.

Cat meets Jake, a bartender, when she hangs out at his bar and does some pickpocketing there. After a number of visits, she notices him pulling a con on some of the guests and has a chat with him about their extralegal work.

When she is invited to be a bridesmaid for a friend from college, Louisa, and at the same time loses a job opportunity and has to find a new place to live, Cat suggests a big heist to Jake. Louisa is well-to-do and marrying a high-profile man from a ridiculously rich family. When she shows off her ring, which is valued at an enormous price, Cat thinks that perhaps she and Jake can take it and improve their lifestyles.

The game is on, and Cat and Jake must spend a lot of time together to prepare for the theft. She decides the best way to get the access they both need would be to pretend to be a couple. Naturally, Jake is quite handsome and Cat notices at times that she’s attracted to him, but she brushes off those feelings because they need to focus on the job. Right? And he seems interested in her, but surely he’s just a great con artist. Right?

Love and Other Scams is a fun heist/rom-com, with all the good elements expected of this type of story. And readers get to be whisked off to Palermo and taken on a boat ride on the Thames, enjoy a fancy high tea and attend lavish parties. A nice escape read.

Rated: High. Profanity includes 34 uses of strong language, around 40 instances of moderate profanity, about 30 uses of mild language, and about 40 instances of the name of Deity in vain. There are also 20 instances of British (bl-) profanity. Sexual content includes kissing and some sex scenes that are either brief or off-screen. One couple is caught in flagrante delicto, with some details. Some vulgar references.

Click here to purchase your copy of Love and Other Scams on Amazon. 

*I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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