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The late Gordon Lightfoot gave the world a song in 1976 that proposed the idea that Lake Superior is a living entity, with moods, desires, and the ability to claim people and things as her own. Without referencing that work, Leif Enger in I Cheerfully Refuse furthers the concept of this inland sea as a sentient being, and rather more dangerous, in a quasi-apocalyptic future.
Rainy lives a comfortable life somewhere in northeastern Minnesota with his ever-optimistic wife, Lark. He plays bass in a local band, and she operates a rogue used bookstore. Yes, this is a civilization that no longer places value on the written word, but although not quite Fahrenheit 451, you can see it from there. Early in the tale, Lark acquires a very rare publication, one which she believed was only a rumor, and this indirectly ignites a chain of events that will require Rainy to summon all of his natural and learned abilities to manage.
It is often challenging to discern which antagonist is the primary driver of the plot: the weather, the lake, or the people in pursuit. Even so, the narrative is gripping, and as events unfold, the reader very often feels the need to reach for a heavy coat, gloves, and warm footwear. I would also advise keeping some snacks on hand: there is a fair amount of hunger in these pages.
In general, I have never been a fan of dystopian stories. Not only are they just too depressing, I honestly believe that mankind has the capacity to overcome its difficulties and continue forward in a positive direction. It is my opinion that Enger provides enough hopefulness throughout I Cheerfully Refuse to sufficiently keep the discouragement to a minimum.
Rated: Moderate. A half-dozen instances of a moderate curse word, just over a dozen vain uses of Deity, and another dozen exclamations with mildly profane terms. There is one implication of child rape with no details.