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Book Author(s): Jason Mott

Hell of a Book

Hell of a Book cover

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From Goodreads:

In Hell of a Book, an African-American author sets out on a cross-country book tour to promote his bestselling novel. That storyline drives Jason Mott’s novel and is the scaffolding of something much larger and more urgent: since his novel also tells the story of Soot, a young Black boy living in a rural town in the recent past, and The Kid, a possibly imaginary child who appears to the author on his tour.

Throughout, these characters’ stories build and build and as they converge, they astonish. For while this heartbreaking and magical book entertains and is at once about family, love of parents and children, art, and money, there always is the tragic story of a police shooting playing over and over on the news.

Who has been killed? Who is The Kid? Will the author finish his book tour, and what kind of world will he leave behind? Unforgettably powerful, an electrifying high-wire act, ideal for book clubs, and the book Mott says he has been writing in his head for ten years, Hell of a Book in its final twists truly becomes its title.

Rapid Rating: High.

Profanity includes 29 uses of strong language, around 35 instances of moderate profanity, maybe 50 uses of mild language (the title includes one and the title itself is referenced in various places throughout, so I’m excluding those instances), and around 15 instances of the name of Deity in vain. Mentions of sex and alcohol use.

Click here to purchase your copy of Hell of a Book on Amazon. 

About Rapid Ratings

The Rapid Rating option allows Rated Reads to rate more books for content. A quick search of an e-book can show all instances of profanity and at least some of any sexual content or violence. Likely, most Rapid Ratings will be of books rated High.

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