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Book Author(s): Alethea Kontis

Enchanted (Woodcutter Sisters, book 1)

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Being a part of Sunday’s family means you have to acknowledge that sometimes you have no control over things. Between magic and faery, you never know what the future really holds — and as the seventh child of a seventh child with siblings who have powers of their own, you know there is some craziness in store. So when Sunday happens upon a talking frog whose charming personality leads to very un-frog-like feelings, Sunday isn’t completely caught off guard. When, however, a pot-stirring aunt arrives and a ball at the palace is announced, the plot really thickens.

Um, DELIGHTFUL! This book has more fairy-tale plot devices thrown in than I can even count. It was so fun to see how Kontis was able to quite seamlessly weave them all together into a new kind of tale that still has love at its core but with that same dark magic that makes all fairy tales work hard for their happy ending. I loved her brand of faery and the love story was wonderfully rich. I can’t say it’s particularly deep or will change your life, but I will say that it was just really fun to read.

Rated: Mild for eight uses of mild language and some discussions of affairs between fairy and human.

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