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It’s 1934, and two women are traveling from New York City to Havana, Cuba, on a luxury liner called the Morro Castle. One is an heiress. One is not. But only the two of them know which is which to start.
Catherine Dohan is engaged to a wealthy man. Elena is looking for vengeance from someone who wronged her. Their fates are entwined as the voyage progresses. Catherine faces danger the first night on board. She ends up having to trust a handsome jewel thief. More is going on than appears on the surface and the two have to figure out the facts.
The Cuban Heiress is a mystery/romance set on a real ship on a critical voyage. The romance is quite good; the mystery is fairly compelling, and those who love historical fiction will eat it up. For my personal tastes, I enjoyed it but didn’t love it. But it’s a fairly clean book so I can easily recommend.
Rated: Mild. Profanity includes a couple of instances of moderate profanity (in part describing an illegitimate birth), about 15 uses of mild language, and a few instances of the name of Deity in vain. Sexual content includes kissing and “off-screen” sex. Violence includes an attempt at murder, a killing in self-defense, a murder, mention of a suspicious death, and deaths and injuries in a shipwreck.