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Book Author(s): J.T. Petty

Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer

Clemency Pogue’s parents have told her wonderful stories her whole life. Some are familiar, like that of Peter Pan; others her parents have spun all by themselves. When she finds herself in the woods one day being attacked by a tiny little fairy, she remembers one vital part from Peter Pan about how to kill fairies — and she uses it. A number of fairies drop dead, a hobgoblin tells her, and she must go around the world trying to fix the calamities she has caused with her careless tongue.

J.T. Petty writes a fun little story for middle readers about good and bad fairies and hobgoblins and other fantasy creatures. Much of the story is rather tongue-in-cheek, definitely silly and giggle-worthy. Entertaining for young readers and the parents reading with them.

Rated: Mild, only because one story involves a naughty little boy peeing on a couch.

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