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How does a twenty-something assistant librarian (with a master’s degree) find romance? For Greta, it is simply by asking a longtime friend (who has never before failed her) to deliver The Perfect Man for her birthday, which is exactly what happens. Mac (stunningly handsome) visits the library, meets Greta, and asks her to show him the poetry section. The swooning begins, and Greta finds herself completely swept away by this polite, charming, and absolutely beautiful man.
The library, however, is struggling to survive in the 21st century. Patron visits are down, the local taxpayers are reluctant to vote for a measure to increase funding, and the building is aging beyond what reasonable repairs can handle. There also just so happens to be a curmudgeon living next door to the library who scatters junk and trash all over his property, creating an eyesore.
These primary plot lines weave among a variety of smaller conflicts throughout this absolutely fun book. This is Becca Wilhite’s third YA romance book, and like the previous two, the main character is a superficial (somewhat self-centered) young woman who is initially more interested in physically attractive men and eventually discovers this concept to be flawed. It is a classic formula, yet this author has created people and situations that create a very enjoyable journey for the reader that is not at all formulaic.
In the interest of full disclosure, I do not typically peruse this genre, except when I run out of things to read on vacations and have to search through my wife’s collection of reading material. In this case, however, we were both introduced to this author’s work by way of Wilhite’s father, one of my high school teachers from the 1970s. We now both eagerly await her next publication.
Rated: None