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Book Author(s): Colleen Hoover

Slammed (Slammed, book 1)

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Layken has just moved to Michigan from Texas, where she’s lived her whole life with the parents and little brother she loves. But her father has died recently and quite unexpectedly, and she’s just trying to recover from that when her mother tells her they have to relocate for financial reasons. It all stinks. But right away, she meets pretty much the perfect guy, right across the street from her new house. She is a bit unnerved by just how much she likes him, but she gives in to the feeling, and the two connect in a way and at a level she has never experienced.

But after just one date, their relationship slams into a wall; the situation means they simply can’t be together. The one ray of hope in Lake’s life now makes her even more devastated.

As Lake tries to figure out how to deal with this fresh heartbreak, she continues to face more challenges. Will’s passion about slam poetry ends up giving her a little outlet for her fears and frustrations, and his insights finally help her to start a path to healing and acceptance.

Slammed is absolutely a beautiful book. It has more heartbreaks in it than a Nicholas Sparks story, but at least here they feel real and non-manipulative. The characters, their feelings, their reactions are all too real, and I couldn’t help but feel deeply right along with them. But I felt lifted up and given hope just as the characters ultimately experience, despite the tough hands dealt them by life. I’m impressed with Hoover’s writing. I enjoyed her other book Hopeless, but this initial book is even better (not to mention cleaner).

Rated: Moderate. There are a number of uses of moderate language throughout, particularly focused in a few places. The two or three sexual situations are pretty brief but are fairly intense make-outs. There are some weighty topics in here, and some adult situations that would be best suited for older readers.

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