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Book Author(s): Kiersten White

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, book 1)

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Evie is a teen who doesn’t quite live the typical teen life. She can see through paranormal beings’ glamours and recognize what they truly are, for one thing, which no one else can do, and she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, where she also lives. Her only outings are on the arms of faeries who basically are forced to work for the agency, who transport her to far-flung locations where she hauls in vampires, werewolves, trolls, hags and so forth.

She does dream of normal teen things like prom and school lockers, but she’s mostly satisfied with her life; it’s that or be in the foster care system, since she doesn’t have any parents.

Then one day (it’s always a “then one day,” isn’t it?), a strange kind of paranormal breaks into the agency, and Evie discovers him. He has the ability to look and sound like anyone. While he’s held captive, she finds she’s fascinated by him and figures out ways to keep visiting him in lockup. Lend is an unusual creature, but as it turns out, Evie’s going to discover she is as well. And her paranormalcy is going to lead to all kinds of trouble.

Paranormalcy is a fun story with entertaining characters, clever repartee, and a great strong heroine. I enjoyed it and will be picking up the other two books in the series soon. Bonus: it’s clean reading (I got a kick out of the way the word “bleep” was used). I absolutely loved Kiersten White’s writing when I read her newest book, Illusions of Fate, so I thought I’d try out some of her other books. This one is fairly obviously her debut, not as great in my mind as Illusions, but I still liked it and think it’s a solid bet for anyone looking for a fun (and clean) paranormal YA read.

Rated: Mild, for younger readers, for some intense moments and mild violence and just some plain ol’ kissing. For adults, it’s really just a None.

Click here to purchase your copy of Paranormalcy on Amazon. 

3 thoughts on “Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, book 1)”

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