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Book Author(s): Sandy Hall

A Little Something Different

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Two college students bump into each other, share a class, and obviously like each other. Everyone around them notices and is cheering them on. They just are so shy and/or uncertain that it takes the entire book for Lea and Gabe to get together.

The “little something different” here is that the book is presented from the points of view of 14 different narrators, including a squirrel and a park bench, if you can believe it, and excluding the two main characters. It’s cute, but a little too gimmicky, and it takes away from the reader being able to really empathize with the two would-be lovers. I almost cared more for some of the more frequent narrators, such as Gabe’s older brother, because I got to get inside of his head, which I didn’t get to do for Gabe himself.

Cute book but nothing memorable.

Rated: Moderate, for some moderate language and underage-college-student drinking (and a fair amount of getting drunk).

Click here to purchase your copy of A Little Something Different on Amazon. 

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