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Book Author(s): S.A. Bodeen

The Compound (The Compound, book 1)

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If your dad was one of the richest men in the world, do you think he’d be forward-thinking enough to build a giant bunker to protect you and your family from a nuclear holocaust? Eli’s dad did, and when the unthinkable happens, they end up living the next six years underground. Soon, though, little problems arise that could turn into big problems — and Eli’s not thrilled with his dad’s proposed solutions, enough to wonder if maybe it’s time to take their chances in the outside world.

What a page-turner! Eli is a character who’s hard to love (typical teenage angst plus rich-boy attitude plus living underground for six years…), but somehow by the end we care about him and his family. Parts of this book FREAKED me out, other parts disgusted me — but always I was interested. It’s an intriguing idea and puts a teenager in a role that really allows him to grow, with some good plot twists along the way. I want to go pick up something else by this author now.

Rated: Mild, for about 20 uses of mild language.

Click here to purchase your copy of The Compound on Amazon. 

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