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Book Author(s): Anna Sheehan

A Long Long Sleep

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Imagine Sleeping Beauty with a sci-fi/dystopian twist. That’s the basic plot of A Long Long Sleep, with some extra elements added in, of course. When Rosalinda is awakened with what she thinks is a kiss, as far as she knows she’s only been in a chemically induced stasis-sleep for maybe a few months. A year at most. But it’s been 62 years. And things have changed dramatically from the world she knew.

As the daughter of the owner of the solar system’s largest conglomerate, Rose is suddenly thrust into the limelight and figuring out who she can trust is only one of her problems. Her body is a wreck from her long stint in the stasis tube and relationships with peers are just as tricky as ever. As she slowly falls for the boy who woke her up, she’s terrorized by dangers, both real and in her nightmares, and the trouble of navigating this new life makes staying out of the peaceful stasis tube harder than ever.

I really liked the premise of this story. It was just enough Sleeping Beauty and the spiral of sci-fi technology and time-bending was really fun. I wasn’t totally thrilled with the execution. Rose’s self-deprecation felt overdone and her vacillation between completely helpless and fighter-chick didn’t flow for me as well as I’d wanted it to. Sometimes conversations felt dull and awkward — but other times, especially with a character named Otto, they felt more authentic.

In all, it was a good enough read; teens might appreciate it more than I did. There’s certainly a great structure there; it just needed a little different dressing on it.

Rated: Mild for 20+ uses of mild language, 1 use of moderate language and several cases of a girl thinking longingly of a boy with his shirt off.

Click here to purchase your copy of A Long Long Sleep on Amazon. 

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